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About Growing Out

Who We Are

We are a very small (at this time, actually solo) group of people-loving, science-curious, happiness-seeking nerds that have spent most of our lives trying to find our purpose in the world.

After years of chasing money, prestige, and social status and ending up less happy than before, we made some dramatic shifts and turned inward to the simple joy found in the act of helping others.

Here, we have discovered our meaning as educators and coaches in empowering others to live happier, healthier, more intentional lives.

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Why We Exist

Colloquially, to grow out of something is to mature past the point of needing it. Along our journey to become happier, healthier, and better people, we picked up some valuable knowledge and skills that helped us grow out of antiquated and counterproductive views and behaviors.

We overwhelmingly felt our learnings would be better shared with others. We imagined a world where the latest scientific findings could be adapted to people's lives in an easy-to-understand, highly practical way for little to no cost.

We hope to use this space to share our learnings and help you grow out of ways that no longer serve you.

Detail of tree trunk with buttress roots. Scientific name Ficus glabrata - Moraceae (mulberry family) from South America. Photo location Hoomaluhia Botanical Garden, Kaneohe, Oahu, Hawaii

Our Change Philosophy

We aim to provide free information and practices and high-value products to help you improve your health and productivity. We hope these knowledge and resources are enough to help you make lasting change.

We believe that knowledge, practice, and support are the three pillars that enable lasting change. We recognize that change is often difficult to make on our own with all that we face in life.

For those seeking additional support, our personalized coaching services are structured to best support you on your journey through growth and transition. We believe the support you receive through coaching will help you achieve change that you haven't been able to on your own.

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View Our Services



We provide personalized coaching services to support you on your journey and guide you toward results you haven't been able to achieve on your own.

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Practice & Product


We study, test, and present evidence-based practices and products that get you the best possible outcomes and value for your time and money.

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Free Online


We develop resources rooted in scientific research to improve your daily life and present them in a way that optimizes learning and motivation.

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We partner with organizations to improve business performance by developing initiatives for employee productivity, engagement, and satisfaction.

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