
Growing Out: Our Change Philosophy

Written by Jared Lin | Oct 8, 2024 5:52:26 PM

Change is essential for growth and progression. Along our change journeys, we've discovered things that make the journey easier and more likely to succeed.

Our theory of lasting change is founded on three underlying principles:

1. People seek change. As human beings, we have a unique ability to project the future. We dream about how life would be if we could improve. We determine what we need to change to materialize it.

2. Knowledge is insufficient. While we can identify the change we desire and what it would take to get there, we often act in a way that contradicts that knowledge. Our brains are neurologically wired to conserve energy and create friction when we try to adopt new behaviors.

3. Practice makes permanent. The best way to achieve lasting change is through practice. Overcoming friction from new behaviors generates momentum and creates the necessary conditions for learning and neuroplasticity.

In modern society, people are inundated with irrelevant or inaccurate information and need help locating and processing the right information to allow them to focus on what matters. Talent is often touted over skill; there is little emphasis placed on practice, and those who perform quickly are praised over those who are motivated to learn. Our current social structures encourage finding strengths over growing strengths.

When equipped with the right information and placed in the right environment, people can more easily overcome subconscious friction and build toward the change they seek. They can divert more energy toward conscious new behaviors and away from automatic conservative ones.

Our services are designed to provide accurate, actionable information and create an environment where change feels easier. We equip people to navigate change and self-improvement using three pillars of lasting change: knowledge, practice, and support. Our three modules represent those three pillars: we share knowledge through Education, we provide opportunities to practice through our Collection, and we offer support through Coaching.

Knowledge: Our Education module compiles evidence-based learnings across various fields and summarizes them in a way that is organized and easy to understand. This module is completely free and open to the public.

Practice: Our Collection module collects products and practices that can be used on a daily basis and are rooted in scientific principles. Our practices are developed for free, and our product recommendations are researched, compared, and tested for value and efficacy.

Support: Our Coaching module seeks to provide additional resources, structure, accountability, and encouragement, which are difficult to provide for oneself. While not everyone needs coaching, it's a valuable tool for easing the burden of change. Coaches are experts in the process of goal setting and achievement. Your coach can help identify and navigate blind spots that have prevented you from achieving dramatic change on your own. While we offer a limited number of grants to serve those in need, our Coaching services generate a majority of our revenue needed to continue serving our mission.

We hope the resources we provide can prove useful on your journey toward lasting change.